April 21, 2009

Near the End...

it is 12.30pm and i haven't prepared much for the test... too many things to memorize and that is not my speciality...
i think i need to bring some cooking oil as i have to 'goreng' a lot in the test later... haha... i am writing this entry at bard's house where most of this house members are reading their notes while watching me blogging freely in front of them... haha
this is the last paper for me before i completed my study as a TESL student... when i was in my second year of degree, i hoped that i can complete my study asap because i was demotivated cause by the assignments and lectures. things are different now as i don't want to be away from my friends... no more takraw in the future, maybe i will jog by myself alone in the park, watching other people with their friends enjoying their time... :(
syahdu la pulak..
ok laaa... gtg... need to mandi manda before go to the exam... actually my brain is tired because writing in English need more focus and concentration... hahaha
fuad the bancibai is right beside me to make sure that my grammar is correct in writing this post. hahaha.. tq sood.

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