May 28, 2009


at last i managed to upgrade my character in mybrute to level 10 and create my own clan! hahaha... actually i don't have any better idea in naming the clan, so i just named it after a brand for one of my car accessories... for those who have their own brutes, u are welcomed to join my clan! and for those who wanted to experience this game yourself, you may click on this link and validate your brute there...

i've been introduced to this online game by bard and paan boy back in kelantan... as i am working in this internet-facilitated-shop, i keep on playing it from day to day just to fill my time besides watching movies and video clips...

'even though you may play your brute three times a day, it is very enjoying and will make you addicted to it' (bard 2009)

i agreed with bard's statement because i know somebody who really addicted to this game and created many characters so that he can play his brutes for many times a day besides to upgrade their level faster! as for me, i introduced this game to the kids who come to this cc everyday and they registered their brutes as my pupils! hahahaha! still a teacher right?! huhuhu...

p/s: aji (no i/c xdikenali) kate untuk BTN kite nanti, cohort 2 dibahagi ke 3 grup... 3 grup nih pulak akan pegi buat BTN kat 3 tempat berbeza... campur ngan budak2 maktab lain... so kepada mat astro, jgn nak main skandal je ek... haha

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